showing 8 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_upwardtagsdescription
Nobunaga's Ambition  Koei1994 asia asia-east consoleclassix feudaljapan grid grid-hex japan nobunagasambition rating-vrc-ga sengokuperiod unification labelimageminimize
Nobunaga no Yabō Haouden: Lord of Darkness  Koei1994 16thcentury asia asia-east feudaljapan japan nobunagasambition noconsoleclassix sengokuperiod unification labelimageminimize
Romance of the Three Kingdoms III: Dragon of Destiny  Koei1992 2ndcentury asia asia-east china chineseimperialera consoleclassix grid grid-hex rating-vrc-ga sanguoyanyi uvl-tiein labelimageminimize
Nobunaga no Yabou: Bushou Fuunroku  Koei1991 16thcentury asia asia-east feudaljapan grid-irregular japan nobunagasambition noconsoleclassix sengokuperiod unification labelimageminimize
Romance of the Three Kingdoms II  Koei1991 2ndcentury asia asia-east china chineseimperialera consoleclassix sanguoyanyi uvl-tiein labelimageminimize
Sangokushi Retuden: Ransei no Eiyuu Tachi  Sega1991 asia asia-east china chineseimperialera sanguoyanyi uvl-tiein labelimageminimize
Mystic Defender  Sega1989 alone anime asia asia-east chargedattack consoleclassix darkfantasy did earth heads japan kujakuou lives magic manga marketingbuzzwords monsters mysticprotagonist nudity occult rescue runandgun serious shapeshifters sorcery trees
[62]***Azuchi Castle - huge, terrifying, and out of reach! It's the den of the Devil's Disciple and the Emperor of Evil! It's also where the beautiful Alexandra is held prisoner, facing a deadly ordeal. Can you save her? You are Yamato, incredible warrior and possessor of Magic. Your journey writhes with danger. Monstrous centipedes and grotesque spiders, frogs, and larvae wait to clutch your body and chew on your head. Can you take it? Can you stay alive while battling Flying Goblins, Ghostly Bones, and the Six-Faced Phantom? Can you reach the maniac genius Zareth before he steals Alexandra's soul? Blast your enemies with Magic! Hurl Psycho and Sonic to boggle them. Scorch them with flame! Pound them to dust with Thunder Dragon! The Castle awaits.***
[27]***Nice early MegaDrive action game with impressive graphics and good music for its time. Playability and controls are ok and the player remains motivated to see all of the eight levels. In the Japanese version the hero is dressed differently as in the western versions and looks more like a fragile magician in his long robes, while he appears more figher-like in the western versions. The story is a weak point in the game, being just a "Rescue the girl and save the world" story with no developing story ingame. The Japanese version seems to have more story, at least they have a slightly longer intro scene and the game is based on a manga series.
Sangokushi V  SKOB? 3rdcentury asia asia-east china chineseimperialera noconsoleclassix sanguoyanyi uvl-originaltitlemissing uvl-tiein labelimageminimize